Block positioning
  • 2005/8/5 17:43

  • devilock76

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 56

  • Since: 2005/7/1 2

Ok I have a slightly complicated problem, our site


(sorry it is a test location)

is using XOOPS and we use both a right and left side block on all pages except the forum where we only use the left side block. However what we want to do is not just make what is in the right block invisible as we do now but we want to on the forums view only have some of the stuff from the right block be in the left block instead while still being in the right block on another page. The block system does not seem to allow this. Or does it?

Another thing I though is hey I will make custom blocks that mirror the ones on the right and only make them visible in the forum area but for example I can not figure out how to make a damn clone of the search block yet. Well not with the same php code. Looks like it will be html without fun user vars PLBBTBTBTBT. Please help!


Re: Block positioning
  • 2005/8/5 19:10

  • hyperpod

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 359

  • Since: 2004/10/4

Well, I think you are almost on the right track.

afaik, the only way to accomplish what you need is to duplicate the block for the left side.

So you should dupe the block and did you copy/rename the block template??

Also, you would need to add another instance of the block in xoops_version.php

and of course after all this is done, you would need to 'Update' the module through the module admin.

Let us know how it goes or if you have any questions.

Best Regards,
Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
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