Kethy wrote:
jdseymour wrote:
If the new tables are default with no extra information, I would drop all tables with the new prefix, then run the upgrade script the proper way to migrate your production database to XOOPS 2.2.
But how do I drop the tables?
Usually with a tool supplied by your hosting provider - phpmyadmin.
When you browse the database in phpmyadmin you should see two sets of tables.
One set with a XOOPS_ prefix and another with a xoops22_ prefix
The XOOPS_ tables are your original database and the xoops22_ was created on your latest install.
What you would want to do may seem tricky, but it is really pretty easy.
First backup your entire database just in case of problems or mistakes. Next put a checkmark beside all tables with a xoops22_ prefix. Scroll to the bottom of the database page and select drop from the dropdowm menu at the bottom marked "With Selected". You will then be taken to a confirmation page, choose the "Yes" button to complete the table drop.
Next you will need to download mainfile.php to your computer, open it up in a text editor of your choice (no word processor though, notepad will work fine) find the database prefix entry and change it from 'xoops22' to 'xoops' and reupload mainfile.php.
Then finally open xoopsupdate.php in your browser and follow the prompts. Very important, only run this script once.