wolFactory is proud to announce the release of a new module :
myReferer 1.0 - RC.
The purpose of this module is to gather all informations regarding your referers from external websites and search engines. It will help you track down used keywords and web crawlers as well.
1) Edit the 'footer.php' file at the XOOPS root directory.
2) Insert the following code (before ?>):
3) Reupload the modified file.
That's it.
Some integrated features are:
1) Meta Keywords generator. To generate updated metakeywords following your user's keywords.
2) DataBase cleaner. To keep your referers, keywords, engine and spiders up to date and easily clean up out dated entries.
3) An '
abecedaire'. All your search engine keywords alphabetically ranked. Would automatically dress up your website navigation alphabetically.
4) Last visits or new entries (search engine, web crawlers, keywords, referers) block.
This module is compatible both for
xoops 2.0 and 2.2. (unless someone tells me otherwise
Please, test this RC version and let me know about it. Suggestions are welcome.
You can see the module in action on the