Hi guys
I have just added the Os-commerce mod to my latest XOOPS website and I am getting these errors/notices at the bottom of my shop pages...
I am not quite sure what they mean ?
I am running the latest Xoops-2.2RC2
Everything is workking fine except these errors.
Notice [PHP]: A session had already been started - ignoring session_start() in file modules/shop/includes/functions/sessions.php line 67
Notice [PHP]: A session had already been started - ignoring session_start() in file modules/shop/includes/functions/sessions.php line 67
Notice [PHP]: Constant FILENAME_AFFILIATE_LOGOUT already defined in file modules/shop/includes/affiliate_application_top.php line 90
Notice [PHP]: Undefined index: affiliate_ref in file modules/shop/includes/affiliate_application_top.php line 105
Notice [PHP]: Undefined index: ref in file modules/shop/includes/affiliate_application_top.php line 108
Notice [PHP]: Undefined index: ref in file modules/shop/includes/affiliate_application_top.php line 108
Notice [PHP]: Undefined index: affiliate_ref in file modules/shop/includes/affiliate_application_top.php line 150
Notice [PHP]: Use of undefined constant breadcrumb - assumed 'breadcrumb' in file modules/shop/includes/affiliate_application_top.php line 162
I noticed that the notices are to do with the affiliate section of the shop and I was wondering if anyone could give me a clue where to start to trouble shoot this problem or how I could perhaps de activate the affiliate part of the shop alone ? if this is possible?
Any help or clues would be much appreciated
The new version Xoops-2.2RC2 is really neat....
great job