Converting a Block to a Module?
  • 2005/7/17 5:03

  • MikeFalcor

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 33

  • Since: 2005/6/21

I have made many custom blocks for my site that I think many other users would like to use and/or modify to suit there own needs. Is there an easy way to make a module out of a custom block? It's probably really easy, but after staring at the forums for about 2 hours my brain wants to stop altogether...

If anyone is interested in seeing what I have done thus far, feel free to PM me.

Also forgot to mention that if you would like to keep the nice 'square' look of that certain template you are using, it would be best to edit the index.html of your theme and stick the valign="top" code frag into the XOOPS code... I was getting SO frustrated when I couldn't figure out why the heck my site was looking a tad off-balance when I would use right-center and left-center blocks...lol.

Re: Converting a Block to a Module?

I made a very simple Translate Module a while back that uses a block. I think if you just looked at the code a bit, you'll get it. If you need more help, just PM me


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