I just moved server and these two modules have stopped working? Quran and Dmoz
At first I thought it was because, I didn't set the charcter set right, in phpadmin.
Then after spending about 4 hours clicking to adjust the charcter sets to latin1!!
I then realised that the Quran worked on the same database backup, without the charcter set changed already on my own PC.
So I checked what else it could be, register globals is turned off on the server I have just moved to.
Would this cause these 2 modules to stop working?
Do they need it on, for these to work?
I tried having a htaccess file to change it to test, yet i get 500 error when trying to view my site?
So is it likely to be register globals? or something else does anyone know what cause these not to work?
I need these as my keywords that people come to my site for are online Quran search and spiritual Dmoz!!
Please help how can I fix this?
If it is globals on, I may possibley be able to ask the server for it, as they are friends.
Is it possible to only turn it on, for indervidual modules?
Or will I need it at a server level for it to work?