Bugs in Survey Module


have just installed the survey module and came across a few bugs that would be good to try to resolve. In order of importance, they are:-

1) When adding a checkbox to the survey, there are no options to allow single or multi select. I could do single select using radio buttons, but then a radio button is always highlighted initially by default - very leading for multiple choice questions...)

2) There is no "required" field for checkbox questions

3) when you enter a question into the survey by hitting the "submit" button, it does not take you back to the survey screen, but rather stays on the question you just submitted. (mainly cosmetic)

I am running version 0.6 beta on PHP5
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Re: Bugs in Survey Module

1. That is correct, multiple checkboxes can be selected, only one radio button can be selected

2. That is correct, the XOOPS core javascript function doesn't support checkbox values being required

3. That is correct

Where are the bugs?
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Re: Bugs in Survey Module
  • 2005/7/12 10:57

  • Jyotirmaya

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 105

  • Since: 2005/2/10

Thanks for the reply,

If I want to set up a multiple choice question where only one answer can be selected, how would I do it so that all options are blank in the beginning - so as not to lead the respondent?
"You are never alone or helpless, the force that guides the stars guides you too"

Re: Bugs in Survey Module
  • 2005/7/12 12:50

  • artigas

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 208

  • Since: 2004/12/21

Greetings -

Create an additional radio button on top that says "Please select an (a-d) choice bellow" or something similar.

That way you can also test for a non-response.

Hope That Helps.
Roberto Artigas
If you move one grain of sand at a time to the same location eventually you will create a mountain.

Re: Bugs in Survey Module
  • 2005/7/12 14:04

  • Ronaldus

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 389

  • Since: 2004/5/8 1

Mith is right, poster.
This are no bugs, but is due to the possibilities of this module.
The description says: a simple survey module.
I guess this is what they call simple.


Anomaly in Survey Module
  • 2005/7/12 14:25

  • Jyotirmaya

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 105

  • Since: 2005/2/10

Ok, thanks for the feedback, lets not call them bugs, lets call them anomalies/limitations and I will try to do a workaround using artigas's advice...

"You are never alone or helpless, the force that guides the stars guides you too"

Re: Anomaly in Survey Module
  • 2005/7/12 17:19

  • Ronaldus

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 389

  • Since: 2004/5/8 1

nice site!


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