Greetings -
I had a problem with the statistics module referrer's page being hit by lots of anonymous individuals during the end of last month and at the begining of this month.
At the beginning of this month this access to the referrer's information used up all of the bandwith by July 11th. The only thing that I could think of is that the referers information is being webscraped for some reason. Needless to say, the module is no longer ascessible by anonymous users.
The reason I am posting this information is...
1) heads up, this might be a problem for XOOPS users.
2) has anyone else experienced this problem?
3) can someone use the referrer information for not so nice uses?
Anyone that is got any information about this problem please post back to this thread.
Thanks In Advance.
Roberto Artigas
If you move one grain of sand at a time to the same location eventually you will create a mountain.