Want to hire Xoops Programmer: gallery tweak, member homepages problems and new custom module


I own a small design company in Raleigh, NC, USA and I am looking to hire a programmer that knows their way around Xoops. I have several small projects and one larger one. My timeline for these jobs are about a month. If you are interested in bidding for these jobs please email or PM me with your hourly rate, total estimated charge for each job and time expected to complete the job. I will list each job separately but would prefer to hire one person to do all of these jobs. If these projects go well, there is a good chance that we will be needing ongoing help customizing modules for projects as they come up.

Project 1:
A client of ours needs a custom XOOPS module that allows users to enter and search for food safety pathogen research data in a database. Here is a link to a zip file with three PHP files to give you an idea of what fields will be necessary and how this should work. For further questions, email, AIM or PM me.

Pathogen Database

Project 2:
The same client mentioned above needs to add two fields to the Xoopsgallery module v1.3.3.5 so when new images are uploaded, there is additional info stored for each image: "GPS location" of picture and a "Farm" field for the name of the farm the picture was taken at. These two fields should only be visible by users in the XOOPS webmaster group. You will be provided with a ZIP containing the entire xoopsgallery module with all custom hacks that have already been done.

Project 3:
We are trying to implement the XOOPS "Member Homepages" module and have run into two problems that need to be fixed:
The image block does not work--it delivers a blank white screen with no PHP error messages. We just need it to display the uploaded image.

The other problem is that non of the XOOPS form fields seem to work in that module--IE, the calendar block asks what week you want to display and has a button that should pop up a nice calendar to choose the date, but that button does nothing. Also none of the defult XOOPS form editor buttons work in that module. Since it is an older module, perhaps it is simply calling the XOOPS form incorrectly. Again, this module will be zipped and given to you to test.

Each of these projects need to be tested on a test server of your own, or we can set one up for you. You will not have direct access to our client's FTP space, but you will have access to the website to check out the problems we are experiencing.

If you have any further questions about these jobs, please AIM, email or PM me.

Thank you very much!

Re: Want to hire Xoops Programmer: gallery tweak, member homepages problems and new custom module

Forgive the bump. We are still in need of hiring a XOOPS programmer.


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