Where i could add the right code in the followin ratefile.php
anonymous & normal users cannot vote.
/* $Id: ratefile.php,v 2.3 11 july 2004 Liquid Exp $
* Module: PD-Downloads
* Version: v1.0
* Release Date: 04. März 2005
* Author: Power-Dreams Team
* Licence: GNU
include 'header.php';
global $myts;
if (!empty($_POST['submit']))
if (empty($xoopsUser))
$ratinguser = 0;
$ratinguser = $xoopsUser -> getVar('uid');
// Make sure only 1 anonymous from an IP in a single day.
$anonwaitdays = 1;
$ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
$lid = intval($_POST['lid']);
$cid = intval($_POST['cid']);
$rating = intval($_POST['rating']);
// Check if Rating is Null
if ($rating == "--")
redirect_header("ratefile.php?cid=" . $cid . "&lid=" . $lid . "", 4, _MD_PDD_NORATING);
// Check if Download POSTER is voting (UNLESS Anonymous users allowed to post)
if ($ratinguser != 0)
$result = $xoopsDB -> query("SELECT submitter FROM " . $xoopsDB -> prefix('PDdownloads_downloads') . " WHERE lid=$lid");
while (list($ratinguserDB) = $xoopsDB -> fetchRow($result))
if ($ratinguserDB == $ratinguser)
redirect_header("index.php", 4, _MD_PDD_CANTVOTEOWN);
// Check if REG user is trying to vote twice.
$result = $xoopsDB -> query("SELECT ratinguser FROM " . $xoopsDB -> prefix('PDdownloads_votedata') . " WHERE lid=$lid");
while (list($ratinguserDB) = $xoopsDB -> fetchRow($result))
if ($ratinguserDB == $ratinguser)
redirect_header('index.php', 4, _MD_PDD_VOTEONCE);
// Check if ANONYMOUS user is trying to vote more than once per day.
$yesterday = (time() - (86400 * $anonwaitdays));
$result = $xoopsDB -> query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $xoopsDB -> prefix('PDdownloads_votedata') . " WHERE lid=$lid AND ratinguser=0 AND ratinghostname = '$ip' AND ratingtimestamp > $yesterday");
list($anonvotecount) = $xoopsDB -> fetchRow($result);
if ($anonvotecount >= 1)
redirect_header("index.php", 4, _MD_PDD_VOTEONCE);
// All is well. Add to Line Item Rate to DB.
$newid = $xoopsDB -> genId($xoopsDB -> prefix('PDdownloads_votedata') . "_ratingid_seq");
$datetime = time();
$sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO %s (ratingid, lid, ratinguser, rating, ratinghostname, ratingtimestamp) VALUES (%u, %u, %u, %u, '%s', %u)", $xoopsDB -> prefix('PDdownloads_votedata'), $newid, $lid, $ratinguser, $rating, $ip, $datetime);
$xoopsDB -> query($sql);
// All is well. Calculate Score & Add to Summary (for quick retrieval & sorting) to DB.
$ratemessage = _MD_PDD_VOTEAPPRE . "
" . sprintf(_MD_PDD_THANKYOU, $xoopsConfig['sitename']);
redirect_header('index.php', 4, $ratemessage);
$xoopsOption['template_main'] = 'PDdownloads_ratefile.html';
include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/header.php';
$lid = intval($_GET['lid']);
$cid = intval($_GET['cid']);
$imageheader = PDd_imageheader();
$result = $xoopsDB -> query("SELECT title FROM " . $xoopsDB -> prefix('PDdownloads_downloads') . " WHERE lid=$lid");
list($title) = $xoopsDB -> fetchRow($result);
$xoopsTpl -> assign('file', array('id' => $lid, 'cid' => $cid, 'title' => $myts -> htmlSpecialChars($title), 'imageheader' => $imageheader));
include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/footer.php';
include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/footer.php';