changed to phpdebug by using phpmyadmin..
only a notice of undefined constant.. so that's not the cause..
then change to MySQL debug using phpmyadmin again..
and get this:
SELECT * FROM giyg697A_sites
Error number: 1146
Error message: Table 'wwcncom_wwcncom.giyg697A_sites' doesn't exist
strange cos it won't let me install the site module to be able to create that table.. that's appears on all admin pages..
when trying to install site module i get the following:
CREATE TABLE giyg697A_sites ( `site_id` int(12) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `site_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `theme_path` varchar(255) default NULL, `templates_path` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `upload_path` varchar(255) default NULL, `cache_path` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `site_url` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `pattern` text NOT NULL default '', `db_prefix` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', `shared_tables` text, PRIMARY KEY (`site_id`) ) TYPE=MyISAM
Error number: 0
Error message: Database update not allowed during processing of a GET request
well getting somewhere now.. but dunno what's causing that, as i say it was a fresh install..