OK, I downloaded the latest stable Xoops, installed it, everything went clean first time and through to the end, even got the Admin login bit, did that, set up SMTP e-mail and whatnot, added a test user of so, then logged out.
All I see is as a home page is a (fairly) blank page with the XOOPS header and flash banner at the top, the XOOPS footer line, the login, admin, home and theme selector links block on the left, and that's it. No content, no other blocks.
Now, is this he way the site should be right after an install, or do I have to enable some blocks or other functionality to see some pre-arranged content? It says in admin that the default theme is active
Yes, I have Suse 9.2, PHP 4.3.8 with RegisterGlobals=on, Apache 2.0.50, MySQL 4.0.21 and all that, plus I have testing versions of Mambo, WordPress, Geeklog and some other things working fine on this test, stand-alone server. The path (
http://localhost) is fine, or else I wouldn't have got the page I did, let alone install Xoops. Apache error logs are clean, ditto site-specific ones. I can execute ab_path.php and ab_info.php just fine.
In other words, I can administrate XOOPS to my heart's content, but not see, add, or edit content (which doesn't exist).
What am I doing wrong. TIA.