jegelstaff wrote:
I'm afraid that's the best approach. The fundamental issue I discovered was that two modules can't have the same named search function. So if you look in the xoops_version.php files for all the modules and see two search functions named the same, then that would be a problem, and tell you which modules have the problem.
Thanks, my modules are free from "search problem", thus - I'll continue exploration.
With your hint I wrote this easy and obvious checker, which, maybe can be useful to somebody
[root@bazaar]# grep -R -H "$modversion\['search'\]\['func'\]" .
must be srarted from modules-root, produces something like
./AMS/xoops_version.php:$modversion['search']['func'] = "ams_search";
./news/xoops_version.php:$modversion['search']['func'] = "news_search";
./xoopsfaq/xoops_version.php:$modversion['search']['func'] = "xoopsfaq_search";
./newbb/xoops_version.php:$modversion['search']['func'] = "newbb_search";
./soapbox/xoops_version.php:$modversion['search']['func'] = "sb_search";
./mydownloads/xoops_version.php:$modversion['search']['func'] = "mydownloads_search";
./mylinks/xoops_version.php:$modversion['search']['func'] = "mylinks_search";
./lykos_reviews/xoops_version.php:$modversion['search']['func'] = "lykos_reviews_search";
./myReviews/xoops_version.php:$modversion['search']['func'] = "myReviews_search";
./smartsection/xoops_version.php:$modversion['search']['func'] = "smartsection_search";
which can be reviewed easy