I'm back again.
Hasn't anyone ever had a Flash file with a linked text file to integrate in a XOOPS theme????
Here is the problem again.
File #1 is the theme.swf file.
File #2 is a abcd.txt file that has all the text that will appear in the theme.swf.
example abcd.txt
name=Business.com&slogan=Company slogan goes here&slogan2=another short slogan goes here&rep=replay&button1=About the project&button2=Solutions&button3=Technology&button4=Careers&button5=Information&button6=Contacts&icon1=Home&icon2=Site map&icon3=Contact us&url1=#&url2=#&url3=#&url4=#&url5=#&url6=#&iurl1=#&iurl2=#&iurl3=#&enddata=1
In the theme.swf file there is:
loadVariablesNum("abcd.txt", 0);
This in essence loads the text in abcd.txt so it can be called in the theme.swf.
My problem is that no text is being shown on the flash when in xoops. Text does show when opening directly the flash in the browser.
I have attempted to change
loadVariablesNum("abcd.txt", 0);
with putting in <{$xoops_imageurl}>, relative path, absolute path,
http://www.yaddayaddayada/, \home..., nothing works.
I need guidance.
Thanks for the help.