> 1) Taking over modules to make them better and release them with the core
> This, we will not do. We are currently 6 core developers, each with other projects of our own (full time jobs, module development, that kind of thing). Taking over other projects and make them "ours" is not the idea of taking the modules out of the core - on the contrary, we want to be clear of having to support modules and able to pick the best, we can find, so we can focus on making XOOPS as good as we can.
Perhaps I am not being clear, or I am misunderstanding you.
What I mean, for example, is remove the current news and article module. And replace it with a renamed news 1.3 and wf-sections and make those applets the base of the new default modules.
> I'm sure that when you find a module that you can make better, the developer(s) would love to work with you on doing that.
With people like phppp or hervet, indeed that system works. They are active and make a effort to reply to you.
But with a WF module and an exist in name only dev team, that does not work too well. I am STILL waiting for a secuirty fix or upgrade script for the last full verion of WF-sections thats over a yr old now.
> 2) WYSIWYG Editor
It's on the to-do list for 2.2, but there are unresolved issues like how to manage the editors (selecting which editor to use - per user? - should the toolbar options be manageable by the site admin? or the user? Or not at all?) and I have also a concern as to how the content is stored and displayed.
Thats fair, all I wanted was it be to worked on/looked at which you apparently are. So if thats the case this point I am content with.
Thank you for the reply.