davidl2 wrote:
I don't agree with what all you said, but if I look at what you mean consisely - it boils down to "reorganisation and tidying will make XOOPS better". If thats what you mean, then give the people who are trying to do this time... we do have lives away from this system, but we are working on this!
I agree with David on this. ANd I'd like to extend the invitation I have made on these forums many times, please join the efforts! It's a question of resources, not power. My own resources are low at the moment due to time constraints. So I need all the help I can get! But, working
together, towards the same end.
XOOPS.org is not powered by a (paid or unpaid) staff of people whose dayjobs are to manage XOOPS and maintain xoops.org and make all the wishlists from community posts, reply to all support requests, write newsletters, code the core, check every module for bugs, set all requirements and checks if everyone abides by them, promotes XOOPS to the rest of the world, etc. etc. etc. And all towards the same end. No, it's powered by people like yourselves, who take on a small share of the huge load, and together make it more then the sum of it's parts. XOOPS is a community effort, which means you get the benefits, but also the responisbilities. And people need to step up and take the responsibilitty if they see a chance to make it better.
My job, as I see it, it to try and get everyone working towards the same end. And I'm definately not perfect in that end, and there needs to be done a lot more to get it that way. But that is not possible to do overnight, and I have been preparing a lot already. So bare with me for a bit, and if you want to join the effort, let me know, you're always welcome!