Hi there, quick question.
first of all I think my XOOPS version is 2.0.72 or something like that, however I can't actually remember and I don't know where it was written, on of the sites I use XOOPS with has been heavily modified since around Novemebr last year.
Is the version info wrote in any php files?
It is not at the bottom of the page and it is not at the bottom of the admin page either.
Anyway my main question is can I greate a group that DO have admin access to the polls module?
I want to allow a member to be able to add, delete, modify, etc polls, I didn't realise before reading this thread that there was a way of giving people admin access to individual modules, I thought it was all or nothing.
So first off can anyone tell me how to check my XOOPS version
and second can anyone tell me which versions of XOOPS allow you to give admin access to one module, and how I go about it.
Thanks for any help