Difficulty in uploading images
  • 2005/4/20 7:44

  • Signature

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 1

  • Since: 2005/4/20

I have been running XOOPS on Fedora for a couple of months, and it has been working fine, but I have now started to load images into the site using image manager. I found I can load up the images if I make them part of the MySQL data base, but if I try to designate the "uploads" file as the location of the image, I find the system in fact loads the image into the XOOPS directory (one above uploads)and while there are no error messages, the image manager cannot see the image and I cannot access it.

Is there a file path some where that I need to alter to put the images into the uploads file.

By the way, it is a fantastic system.

Re: Difficulty in uploading images
  • 2005/4/20 8:49

  • ilivanov

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 69

  • Since: 2004/9/28

U was warned in image manager settings, that once u've selected images to be stored as BLOB in the database cant be switched later to files.

If u wish, u can make separate/new install of XOOPS 2, by the following steps:

1st u have to redownload latest stable (some early releases of this version have serious problems with uploader.php)
2nd to follow the installation instructions from XOOPS 2, and after creating Admin account and before to login for first time.
(sometimes happend of FC4T2, dont know is it reported bug or nope)
go to console mode(ssh) log in as root, restart httpd
go to the second install of XOOPS and check the permissions for the folder upload/, sometimes "smarty" Red Cap resets the permissions to 755, they have to be 777, otherwise u cant upload anything.

than go to XOOPS administration/image manager settings and select storage as files.


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