Help. to make a privat forum in XOOPS2_mod_newbb_2.02
  • 2005/4/17 23:37

  • MaFIa

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 88

  • Since: 2005/2/28

How do i make a forum in XOOPS2_mod_newbb_2.02 so only the people i like can see this forum so its a privat forum
for the members.

Re: Help. to make a privat forum in XOOPS2_mod_newbb_2.02

What you can do is create a new group like "friends" include yourself and all you want in that group.

Create a forum and at the top only give access permissions to the "friends" group. And at the bottom of that page assign all the permissions that you want to only the "friends" group.

See my Newbb 2 Forum Creation Flash Tutorial for an overview.


Re: Help. to make a privat forum in XOOPS2_mod_newbb_2.02
  • 2005/4/18 7:09

  • MaFIa

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 88

  • Since: 2005/2/28

how do you menn???

i an a noob plese help me

Re: Help. to make a privat forum in XOOPS2_mod_newbb_2.02

First you go to System Admin - Groups and create a new group.
See this Faq Page on groups.

Add the users that you want to access the private forum to that new group you just created.

No go to the forum admin page, create a forum, at the top of the page that you create the forum in you will see "Global Access Level:" and a series of checkboxes with your groups listed. Put a checkmark here by your new group to give them access to the private forum. Fill in the rest of this form normally until you get to "Topic permissions for this Forum" at the bottom of the create forum form page. Here is where you set all the permissions for the forum. Give only your new group permissions here, and uncheck the boxes by all other groups.

Now only the users listed in the group you created will have access to this private forum.


Re: Help. to make a privat forum in XOOPS2_mod_newbb_2.02
  • 2005/4/18 16:01

  • MaFIa

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 88

  • Since: 2005/2/28

yep its fixet now thanks for the help


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