This is strange, I have replaced the XOOPS logo( top left) and reset the link url to go back to my site, but now when I try to change the url it won't change( still links to the previous url). I have changed everything I can find. I opened the theme html and changed the url, and changed it on a couple of files, but it's still linking to the old url. I've generally been having problems with this on all the themes. I can change the url on the default theme but no matter what I do it still links to the other url. is there something I'm missing, what's the secret to this I need to change this link on all themes, can anyone help.
Having looked through a lot of post I'm beging to think that no one knows how to do this. I actually did it once( changed the url from linking to the home page(xoops) to linking to my site) but now when I change it (same way I did it before ) it stays the same