I suggest the same as tripmon, and basically what is done in the phpNuke solution. For example around line 108 in your index.php file change the query line to:
if (isset($_GET['letter'])) {
$letter = $_GET['letter'];
$result = $xoopsDB->query("SELECT l.lid, l.cid, l.title, l.address, l.address2, l.city, l.state, l.zip, l.country, l.phone, l.fax, l.email, l.url, l.logourl, l.status, l.date, l.hits, l.rating, l.votes, l.comments, l.premium, t.description FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix("xdir_links")." l, ".$xoopsDB->prefix("xdir_text")." t where t.title LIKE ".$letter."% AND l.status>0 and l.lid=t.lid ORDER BY date DESC", $xoopsModuleConfig['newlinks'], 0);
} else {
$result = $xoopsDB->query("SELECT l.lid, l.cid, l.title, l.address, l.address2, l.city, l.state, l.zip, l.country, l.phone, l.fax, l.email, l.url, l.logourl, l.status, l.date, l.hits, l.rating, l.votes, l.comments, l.premium, t.description FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix("xdir_links")." l, ".$xoopsDB->prefix("xdir_text")." t where l.status>0 and l.lid=t.lid ORDER BY date DESC", $xoopsModuleConfig['newlinks'], 0);
When you have a letter in your GET variables the query should only receive the links with a title starting with that letter.
If this principle works for you you can use it in the files you need, such as viewcat.php etc.