Hi I have gone to the file you side and I do not know what to do the change the headder to what I want? I have this in an HTML below !!
<{$xoops_module_header}> <{$xoops_banner}>
<{foreach item=block from=$xoops_lblocks}> <{include file="default/theme_blockleft.html"}> <{/foreach}> <{if $xoops_showcblock == 1}> <{foreach item=block from=$xoops_ccblocks}> <{include file="default/theme_blockcenter_c.html"}> <{/foreach}>
<{foreach item=block from=$xoops_clblocks}> <{include file="default/theme_blockcenter_l.html"}> <{/foreach}> <{foreach item=block from=$xoops_crblocks}> <{include file="default/theme_blockcenter_r.html"}> <{/foreach}>
What I want to do is change the bluey headder and XOOPS logo for what I have. As I read the above it telling me where it will get the files from and what ones to use!!!
All I want to do is change the colour of the headder, the depth and add my company logo. This I have done, but it looks crap aas the headder is too norrow. Can you please help? Whould it be of any benifit to you to see the site?