live help
  • 2005/3/15 19:52

  • jrjperu

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 11

  • Since: 2004/1/14

file chat.php
include("config.php") ;
include $lang;

$glob = get_cfg_var (register_globals);
if($glob != true){

$action = "";

if ($nome == ""){
$nome = $string_28;//Guest
if ($action == "novo") {
if ( file_exists( "transcricao.php" ))
echo "<script>window.location.href='$url_chat/ocupado.php'</script>";
exit ;
$tp = time();
$fp = fopen ("vida.php", "w+");
fwrite ($fp, $tp);
fclose ($fp);
$fp = fopen ("transcricao.php", "w+");
fwrite ($fp, "<HTML><HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT=" . $tempo_chats . "><META HTTP-EQUIV=Pragma CONTENT=no-cache><TITLE></TITLE></HEAD><body onload=\"self.scrollTo(0,900000000);\" topmargin=\"0\"><p><br><font face=\"Verdana\" size=\"2\"><b>" . $nome . "</b>, " . $string_39 . "</font>");
fclose ($fp);

// Duplica
$fp = fopen ("transcricao2.php", "w+");
fwrite ($fp, "<HTML><HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT=" . $tempo_chats . "><META HTTP-EQUIV=Pragma CONTENT=no-cache><TITLE></TITLE></HEAD><body onload=\"self.scrollTo(0,900000000);\" topmargin=\"0\"><p><br><font face=\"Verdana\" size=\"2\"><b>" . $nome . "</b>, " . $string_39 . "</font>");
fclose ($fp);

// Triplica
$fp = fopen ("transcricao3.php", "w+");
fwrite ($fp, "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>" . $string_4 . "</TITLE></HEAD><body onload=\"self.scrollTo(0,900000000);\" topmargin=\"0\"><p><br><font face=\"Verdana\" size=\"2\"><b>" . $nome . "</b>, " . $string_39 . "</font>");
fclose ($fp);

if ($action == "") {
$tp = time();
$fp = fopen ("vida.php", "w+");
fwrite ($fp, $tp);
fclose ($fp);
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE><? echo "$string_4"; ?> - <? echo "$string_29"; ?> ...............................................................</TITLE>
function fechar(){

<frameset onunload="fechar()" rows="*,80,1" framespacing="0" border="0" frameborder="0">
<frame name="cima" scrolling="auto" noresize src="transcricao.php">
<frame name="baixo" scrolling="no" noresize src="chat_baixo.php?nome=<? echo urlencode($nome); ?>">
<frame name="superbaixo" scrolling="no" noresize src="vidativa.php">

Re: live help
  • 2005/3/15 19:55

  • jrjperu

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 11

  • Since: 2004/1/14

FILE chat_baixo.php
include("config.php") ;
include $lang;
$glob = get_cfg_var (register_globals);
if($glob != true){
$action = "";

if ($action == "sair"){
print "<SCRIPT>window.top.close()</SCRIPT> \n";
$mensagem = "";
if ($mensagem != "" ) {
$mensagem = str_replace("\'", "'", "$mensagem");
$mensagem = str_replace("\\\"", "\"", "$mensagem");

$fp = fopen ("transcricao.php", "r");
$fs = filesize ("transcricao.php");
$bytes = $fs;
$buffer = fread($fp, $bytes);
fclose ($fp);

$numero_de_linhas = $num_linhas; //aqui entra o numero de linhas desejado

$array_chat = explode("<br>", $buffer);
$counter = count ($array_chat);

if($counter <= $numero_de_linhas){
$desejo = 1;
$desejo = $counter - $numero_de_linhas;
//echo "<script>alert('$counter')</script>";

$texto = $array_chat[0] . "<br>"; // cabecalho

for ($i=$desejo; $i<=$counter; $i++) {
$texto .= $array_chat[$i] . "<br>";

$buffer = rtrim($texto,"<br>");

$mensagem_formatada = "<font color=\"#" . $cor_usuario . "\" face=\"Verdana\" size=\"2\"><b>" . $nome . "</b> : " . $mensagem . "</font><br>\n";
$fp = fopen ("transcricao.php", "w");
fwrite ($fp, $buffer);
//fwrite ($fp, "<br>\n");
fwrite ($fp, $mensagem_formatada);
fclose ($fp);

/// duplica
$fp = fopen ("transcricao2.php", "r");
$fs = filesize ("transcricao2.php");
$bytes = $fs;
$buffer = fread($fp, $bytes);
fclose ($fp);
$numero_de_linhas = $num_linhas; //aqui entra o numero de linhas desejado

$array_chat = explode("<br>", $buffer);
$counter = count ($array_chat);

if($counter <= $numero_de_linhas){
$desejo = 1;
$desejo = $counter - $numero_de_linhas;
//echo "<script>alert('$counter')</script>";

$texto = $array_chat[0] . "<br>"; // cabecalho

for ($i=$desejo; $i<=$counter; $i++) {
$texto .= $array_chat[$i] . "<br>";

$buffer = rtrim($texto,"<br>");
$mensagem_formatada = "<font color=\"#" . $cor_usuario . "\" face=\"Verdana\" size=\"2\"><b>" . $nome . "</b> : " . $mensagem . "</font><br>";
$fp = fopen ("transcricao2.php", "w");
fwrite ($fp, $buffer);
//fwrite ($fp, "<br>");
fwrite ($fp, $mensagem_formatada .
fclose ($fp);

/// Triplica
$fp = fopen ("transcricao3.php", "r");
$fs = filesize ("transcricao3.php");
$bytes = $fs;
$buffer = fread($fp, $bytes);
fclose ($fp);

$mensagem_formatada = "<font color=\"#" . $cor_usuario . "\" face=\"Verdana\" size=\"2\"><b>" . $nome . "</b> : " . $mensagem . "</font><br>";
$fp = fopen ("transcricao3.php", "w");
fwrite ($fp, $buffer);
//fwrite ($fp, "<br>");
fwrite ($fp, $mensagem_formatada .
fclose ($fp);

<!-- begin codigo -->
function converte_string(word){
return escape(word);
function sair() {
window.location = 'chat_baixo.php?action=sair';
function chat(){
<!-- end codigo -->

function envia(){
window.location = 'chat_baixo.php?mensagem='+converte_string(msg.value) + '&nome=<? echo urlencode($nome); ?>';

function save() {
<body onload="chat();" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" text="black" link="blue" vlink="purple" alink="red" topmargin="3" marginheight="3">
<table border="0" width="384" align="center">

<td width="374" height="26">

<p align="center"><font face="Verdana" size="2"><? echo "$string_30"; ?>:</font>

<input type="text" name="msg" style="border-width:1; border-style:solid;" size="30">

<input type="submit" name="Entrar" value="<? echo "$string_31"; ?>" onclick="envia()" style="cursor:hand; margin:1; border-width:1; border-style:solid;">

<br><br><input type="button" name="Save" value="<? echo "$string_45"; ?>" onclick="save()" style="cursor:hand; margin:1; border-width:1; border-style:solid;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="button" name="Sair" value="<? echo "$string_10"; ?>" onclick="sair()" style="cursor:hand; margin:1; border-width:1; border-style:solid;"></p>




Re: live help
  • 2005/3/15 19:58

  • jrjperu

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 11

  • Since: 2004/1/14

file config.php

/*Login para o operador*/
/*Login for operator*/
$login = "admin";

/*Senha para o operador*/
/*Password for operator!*/
$senha = "chat";

/*Tempo (em segundos) para verificar nova chamada
Recomendado: 10 */
/*Time (in seconds) for verification of new calls
Recommended: 10 */
$tempo_chamadas = 10;

/*Tempo (em segundos) para atualizar a janela de chat
Recomendado: 5 */
/*Time (in seconds) for update of the windows of chat
Recommended: 5 */
$tempo_chats = 5;

/*Cor usada pelo visitante no Chat*/
/*Color that will be used by the Visitor in the Chat*/
$cor_usuario = "000000";

/*Cor usada pelo operador no Chat*/
/*Color that will be used by the Operator in the Chat*/
$cor_operador = "FF9900";

/*The URL of the Chat = "http://www.yourdomain.com/livehelp/"; */
$url_chat = "http://www.yourdomain.com/livehelp";

/*The URL of its Site = "http://www.yourdomain.com/"; */
$pagina_inicial = "http://www.yourdomain.com";

Email para onde deve ser enviadas as mensagens caso o operador esteja OFFLINE
Não esqueca de colocar uma "\" antes do "@"

Email for where the messages must be sent case the Operator is OFFLINE
don't forget to place one "\" before "@"
$mail = "your@mail.com";

Tempo (em segundos) para iniciar nova sessao de chat.
Minimo recomendado: 60

Time (in seconds) for the release of new session of chat.
Recommended minimum: 60
$tempo = 60;

Numero de linhas que aparecem na janela de chat
Recomendado: 15

Number of lines show on window chat
Recommended: 15
$num_linhas = 15;

Pasta atual
Current folder
$var_status_image = "help";



$lang = "language_english.php";

$var_js_function = "fun_" . $var_status_image;
$var_js_window = "var_window" . $var_status_image;
$demo = "off";



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