xcGallery resizing images on upload
  • 2005/2/24 20:43

  • barton

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 33

  • Since: 2004/4/25

I would like users to be able to upload any size image and have it automatically reduced to a specific size. I have it reducing the size on upload but the original (which is often a large file) is also uploaded. Is there a way to disregard the original upload and only have the resized image?


Re: xcGallery resizing images on upload
  • 2005/4/29 0:32

  • barton

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 33

  • Since: 2004/4/25

anyone have any ideas?

Re: xcGallery resizing images on upload
  • 2005/5/5 2:55

  • gecko

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 152

  • Since: 2004/10/11

pretty sure the answer is no, if it's a big pic then you get thumb,mid size pic and then the original.
You need to resize your pics first.

Re: xcGallery resizing images on upload
  • 2005/5/5 2:59

  • m0nty

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 3337

  • Since: 2003/10/24

if ur worried about space, then set the max file size..

the image has to be uploaded and the dimensions it resizes to are taken from the uploaded image which has to be stored on the server otherwise the file would have to be uploaded, automatically manipulated and then copied back to the server and then original be deleted.. which would use a lot of resources.. so as gecko says you'll have to resize them 1st or set your max limits up in admin..

Re: xcGallery resizing images on upload
  • 2005/6/15 19:07

  • barton

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 33

  • Since: 2004/4/25

I have given up, I can't expect users to edit down their photos like that. With websites like Flickr you can upload any size you want and it knocks it down to whatever size you set. Setting a max size would only frustrate users who took a picture off their camera and tried to upload it. Thanks for the help though guys, I appreciate your feedback.

If you have any opinions on what the best photo module for XOOPS is, I would love to hear them.

Re: xcGallery resizing images on upload

this is a huge feature gap for xcgal on xoops. i am running into this problem with XOOPS and it is frankly a:

no brainer feature. It also shouldn't be that big a deal to implement in the module, since the core function already exists in with the mid-sizing of the images.

i wonder if coppermine full version has this ability? Not sure about G2. . . though I use it on another site.


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