Help! Can't Install xcGallery
  • 2005/2/19 12:09

  • mcpeak2

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2005/2/19

I an having trouble with install of photo gallery xcGallery. I am able to download and unzip 147kb file: xoops2-mod-xcgal_1_1.tar.gz

*I then extract that file and the following file is created:

wwf42b(archive file)

I then extract that file and the following files and folders are created:

Based on Coppermine Photo Gallery 1.10 (unknown file type)
db_input (PHP file)
dw_core (JS code)
dw_scroller (JS file)
mysql (SQL file)
wwf42b (archive file)

I then upload files via ftp to modules directory and place in folder named "xcgal" but when I go to "modules administration" the following error shows up:
"Module File for Not Found"

I have tried every conceivable way of nesting the files and folders nothing seems to work. I read elsewhere about a file called "xoops_version.php" that is supposed to be present in the root module folder but I noticed this file is nowhere to be found in files or folders extracted?

I was able to install other gallery module "myAlbum" with no problems. I really would rather use the xcgal module as we have already been using coppermine and this would be an easier transition.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I am at wits end with this! Thanks.

Re: Help! Can't Install xcGallery
  • 2005/2/19 18:22

  • gestroud

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1538

  • Since: 2004/12/22

You've gotten a lot farther than I can. I've downloaded it from 4 different mirrors and the extracted folders have all been empty.

Re: Help! Can't Install xcGallery
  • 2005/2/19 22:46

  • JasonMR

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 655

  • Since: 2004/6/21

I've just recently downloaded xcGallery from dev.xoops, and I'm very suprised to read about your problems, as it worked a beauty with me.

From my experience, files often get corrupted when using dial-up. Also FTP is a pain, and a culprit when it comes to fiel corruption.

Leaving you with the only option to try again and again, until the downloaded files are OK....


This is the actual filestructure (folders only!), after unzipping:

--xcgal (->this folder needs to be in XOOPS_ROOT/modules/)

Oh, yes, the file over at dev.xoops is a zip file!!!, not tar.gz (some win-untar-progs like to corrupt tar files! Try 7 zip)

Hope this helps...

Re: Help! Can't Install xcGallery
  • 2005/2/20 7:40

  • mcpeak2

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2005/2/19

Thank you JasonMR for helping out! The link to file you provided seemed to be a completely different file from all of the mirror sites.

The mirrored files are 147k, I noticed right away that the file from your link was 325k. Once downloading that file I had no problems with install. I used the same decompress tool, so it seems there is some significant difference between the 2 files. In the end I got it to work using the link you provided.

There were a few hitches that after I installed xcgallery.

1.) There were "debug" lines of code on lower half of xcgallery page.

To fix this I went into "general configuration" and toggled the the selection "Enable Gallery debug mode". After initial install it was checked as *No. To fix my problem I simply checked *yes and "debug" was turned off on the xcGallery page. It seems bassackwards but it worked?

2.) The most disappointing one was the lousy quality of thumbs and intermediate photos.

No matter how I adjusted settings, from raising the quality of thumbs,altering the size of thumbs and changing "Method for resizing images" (image magick,netPbm, GDv1 & v2) nothing helped. So at this point I am at a loss to figure this out. I would greatly appreciate any help anyone has in fixing this final hurdle.

Re: Help! Can't Install xcGallery

I encountered the same problem when I tried to upload a picture it displays these errors:
Please help me I needed it badly.

The picture 'albums/userpics/10001/test.jpg' can't be inserted in the album

Error executing ImageMagick - Return value: 4

Cmd line :
convert -quality 80 -antialias -geometry 300x300 "c:\mysql\data\xoops\html\modules\xcgal\albums\userpics\10001\test.jpg" "c:\mysql\data\xoops\html\modules\xcgal\albums\userpics\10001\thumb_test.jpg"

The convert program said:
Invalid Parameter - 80


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