Wfsection 2.0.7, select a different template for each section
  • 2005/2/11 10:16

  • NeoPlug

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 18

  • Since: 2004/4/18

Hello all,

I was planning to use the new wfsection when I saw all the improvement of the 2.0.7 version and decided to upgrade it from version 2.0.1.
Unfortunately I noticed one of the most attractive feature in my opinion seems to be missing in wfsection 2.0.7
(You know that little form element that lets you choose what template to use when creating a new section in wfsection 7.01)
So has this feature been removed or just removed from the "create a new section" form ?
In fact I had planned to use this feature for making each section different which would allow me to use wfsection as a review module, news module and article module!!

Otherwise is there a way to add it again by hacking some files or something?

Any help or suggestion would be much appreciated!! ::fingers crossed::
Thanks in advance

Re: Wfsection 2.0.7, select a different template for each section
  • 2005/2/11 10:31

  • philou

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the author said it's possible to create your own template inwfsection. You put the file in the right place and update your module. You can chhose your template after this

Re: Wfsection 2.0.7, select a different template for each section
  • 2005/2/11 11:06

  • NeoPlug

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 18

  • Since: 2004/4/18

Yes but you can only change it for the the news page or the listing page for instance but not for a particular section since the template selection form element has been removed from the "create a new section" form in wfsection 2.0.7.

In fact I don't want to change all the the design for all new page or for all listing page but want to have a different layout for each category. e.g I would make a template for a news section, then another template for a review section, ect, that I would set from wfsection. Here are some screenshot:

the page where I set my templates :
Resized Image

here is the form where I select a template when editing a section in wfsection 2.0.1
Resized Image

And finally the page where the template form is missing in wfsection 2.0.7 :
Resized Image

Re: Wfsection 2.0.7, select a different template for each section
  • 2005/2/11 11:11

  • NeoPlug

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 18

  • Since: 2004/4/18

Ok found where the problem came from, It has just been moved to the bottom of the page! Sounds like a need to get some rest lol!!

Thanks Philou for your help anyway.


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