i am considering using AMS but there are some things I'm not sure it can do, or weather it's planned for a future release (an "estimated" time frame would be thanked, if possible).
+ I want to use this as a recipes collection, not actual articles. I would love to have two fields available. i want to make it so that in submit.php users can have a field where they would list the ingredients, and the on the other field the preparation instructions. ideally I would like to describe the ingredients text behind the recipe name (w/o line breaks) and the same text (w/ line breaks) plus preparation isntructions on the 'article' page, but I can live without that...
if this is not possible and wont be available soon, is it possible to use the 'banner sponsor' field and use that in teh article page for 'preparation'. of course I looose that field, but I dont think I'll need it for now.
+ is it possible to install two ams, or even change its name, so that the url reads 'modules/recipes' instead of AMS (and the other one for real articles)? I saw post on how to do this, not sure if in this forum, but the main question would be someone has done it? I am a php newbee but I can follow instructions.
Thats all I think. Main reason for considering AMS over wfsections (which is the other module that looks like it fit my needs) is that AMS can use XOOPS notifications, which I intend to use as a way of "internally bookmarking" recipes, plus some number of articles considerations I read (and almost undestood
). since this is recipes and not articles the number is likely to grow quite a bit, or so I expect. Any experience doing something similar, or other advice is welcome.