I have an issue with xDirectory. It is the Australian hack I submitted here, but the problem exists with the ordinary xDirectory version (
as shown here) also in the module repository.
The problem is this.
premium option 1 - weblink: Weblink appears in listing.
premium option 2 - highlight: Highlighted in yellow, weblink absent.
premium option 3 - highlight + weblink: Highlighted in yellow, weblink appears in category listing, but not in single listing.
premium option 4 - sponsored: Listed in sponsored section highlighted yellow, ordinary position without highlight and weblink absent.
premium option 5 - sponsored + weblink: Listing colorations as above, weblink still absent in both category listing and single listing, but visible in sponsored listing(highlighted one in sponsored section at top of category page).
I checked the SQL and everything is as it should be in here. It appears to be how the information is being interpreted.
Has anyone else had this problem and managed to fix it, could they please explain how they fixed it?
p.s. I do not actually know much php (aussie hack was made purely by logical changing of word instances ;) so basically it was something anyone could have done).
[Edit: more details]