I have integrated XOOPS imagemanager into koivi. Imagemanager allows categories, group permissions, upload restrictions e.t.c. There are more powerfull imagemanagers on web but I think the way is to improve XOOPS image manager and not try to do parallel work.
About image handling, there is a screenshot of koivi image properties dialog.
Please, don't consider it like a stupid defence. I can learn a lot from users, and if as I can see, you have some experience with wysiwyg, any sugesstion is always valuable.
The only reason to use koivi is because is made to fit with xoops. My idea is to make a XOOPS wysiwyg editor. If something changes in xoops, kovi will change too.
The aim of Htmlarea, Fckeditor and others is different. They are more generic and independant.
In the following days I want to make a review about some editors, (Htmlarea, Koivi, Fckeditor, Spaw and TinyMce)
The topics; speed, functions e.t.c
It will help me to discover what fails in koivi, and if you want I'll send you before publish to know your opinion.