edited after realizing you are probably talking about 2.0.11 version If you
are using the 2.0.11 version, in the file edituser.php replace:
$bio_tarea = new XoopsFormTextArea(_US_EXTRAINFO, 'bio', $xoopsUser->getVar('bio', 'E'));
$bio_tarea = new XoopsFormTextArea(_US_EXTRAINFO, 'bio', $xoopsUser->getVar('bio', 'E'),10,50);
10 and 50 stand for number of rows and size of the textarea. You can change them to any value you like.
If you are talking about the XOOPS nightly version...
If you change the values for textarea in the file kernel/profilefield.php in function getEditElement(&$user), this will apply to all profile fields of type textarea.
But if that is not a problem for you, you could change the values 10 and 50 in the 'case "textarea":' section to change the number of rows and the size.