Hello XOOPS experts,
I got XOOPS installed on a test site so I could get my feet wet before working on the actual install where I need the app running.
First, I'm completely unfamiliar with XOOPS and with php in general. While I've used canned scripts before, such as osCommerce, phpNuke, phpBB2, and similar apps, and have hacked several to get them to work under the strict environments my hosting service has set up (suexec, php runs as cgi, etc.), I need some genuine help getting XOOPS or some script (perl, php, python, c++, or...no .asp or .js) to work delivering a specific kind of information to site visitors when they fill out or, preferably, pick the necessary parameters.
Can XOOPS do it? If so, how? Can you point me to a hack or module or tutorial?
I was pointed here by someone at SourceForge. They said, try Xoops, this after trying phpCodeGenie and several other apps I found. Zope was tried which looked to be The Answer, but the python on the hosting service isn't up to its needs, so scratch that one.
So, is there a way? I looked at that DAOclass generator module, and, except for the fact that it works in an Windows environment, it looks like the thing.
I did several searches on the site, but came up with nothing. Searches in this forum proved of little help, so I'm chancing getting chewed out or laughed out for my ignorance, and posting here.
Thanks for any response,