Seems we've strayed off-topic here and I'm still getting nowhere getting this module to work properly...
brash wrote:
...I suggest uninstalling, reinstalling and not using this option. I'll have a look at getting this fixed for a future version of AMS...the submit form is not templated, and what is displayed there depends on the user permission levels so you won't be able to alter that without modifying code.
brash:First, thanks for the information on editing the templates. I've gotten rid of "rate article" (and image) in both ams_article.html and ams_title.html. I've also removed "edit | links" from ams_article.html.
However, I don't see your point in stating "...what is displayed there depends on the user permission levels...": If this were so, then shouldn't there be an option in the AMS 2.2 module to NOT display the banner/sponsor box, and the "Display Topic Image?", "Position", "Publish in Home?", and "Audience" options in the submit form? User permissions seem to have absolutely no bearing on what's visually displayed in the submit form. Or is it possible the download version I have is faulty? Am I missing something here? Regardless, I'd still like to get rid of these options and if someone can point in me in the right direction to do this, then I'll have at it.
As soon as I post this, I'm going to try your suggestions on uninstalling/reinstalling and not using the "auto approve" option to see what happens. But, I need to know if I should allow only Webmasters permssions in the "Approve" permission, or if Registered Users should be allowed this as well (denying Registered Users this permission didn't work the first time around).
malexandria wrote:
I was having the same trouble and it turned out to be a simple permsissions problem on my template and theme directory which was set to 755 instead of 777.
malexandria: This is not the problem---both of these directories are set to 777---but thanks for your input.
m0nty wrote:
...but maybe was i always set preferences 1st after installing a module, then i configure the topics and category's etc and then do the rest.. but preferences i always configure 1st of all.. i dunno if that makes a difference..
m0nty:Normally, I follow the same route with setting preferences before doing anything else. However, with this module, doing things this way seemed to make a difference...and I couldn't post at all doing things as I normally do. I followed
brash's instructions to create topics first, set permissions and then set preferences. I can now post as admin or a registered user,
but I cannot post without first previewing the article to be posted, which was the issue strayed from (no offense intended against your input, but the issue is still not resolved).
I'll give it another go...