I installed the module, set config options, set the permissions, created two topics (news and events---not much but all we need for the site) and I'm still not able to post articles to either of the topics.
Here's the information...I hope it helps:
Operating system: Linux
Kernel version: 2.4.28
Machine Type: i686
Apache version: 1.3.33 (Unix)
PERL version: 5.8.4
PHP version: 4.3.10
MySQL version: 4.0.22 (standard-log)
Xoops version:
AMS 2.2 Config Options: (ones that I suspected may be cause but don't seem to be)
Auto approve articles without admin intervention? Yes
Authorized groups to upload: Approvers only
Restrict Topics on Index Page? No
AMS 2.2 Permissions:
Approve: Webmasters, All (do Registered Users need permission here even with 'auto approve' set to 'yes'?)
Submit: Webmasters, All; Registered Users, All
View: Webmasters, All; Registered Users, All
(AMS 2.2) PHP Debug Errors: No errors generated at modules/AMS/index.php or modules/AMS/submitnews.php
(AMS 2.2) MySQL/Blocks Debug: No errors generated at modules/AMS/index.php or modules/AMS/submitnews.php
(AMS 2.2) Smart Templates Debug: No errors generated at @modules/AMS/index.php or modules/AMS/submitnews.php
Cache is turned OFF for this module.
I selected no options when submitting the article, just the words "ams 2.2 test" in 'title' and 'article text'.
Edit: On a side note, I have no need for the 'banner/sponsor' box in submit.php but I cannot find which template to remove it from.