I did a small test just now.
I found a forum post and made a search for a phrase from that post in google as follows
"You are still welcome to send PM's to the webmasters with enquiries such as these:"
Google returned a specific and correct result for the forum post
see the search result
Here.Google will crawl pages within a XOOPS website. I can repeat that test with every page on my own modest site. It has deep crawled every piece of public available content.
Point 1- Google is the only SE that really serves my pages, other engines like yahoo, hotbot sniff around and occasionally throw out a few referals, but not much.
I even used the short URL hack (reynaldo's) for several months, resubmitted to SEs and zilch... absolutely no change in referals.
Thats my experience. My site content is good, inasmuch that preceeding my XOOPS website, the exact same content was in plain html and crawled by ALL the major search engines. It was a task to keep up with them all.
There are other tricks to optimise SEs listed in the FAQ section, but ultimately, it's query strings that keep many SEs away from your content.
This is a well known fact and well documented in third party papers and forums dedicated to SEO. The argument goes that the shortURL hack re-writes these URLs with query strings into SE friendly addresses. Well maybe, but my experience, as I stated above did not appear to change search engine behaviour.
For me, the jury is still out, but I'm willing to appraise any evidence that supports the effectivness of these hacks