Hi there
We've switched hosts some time ago, and I cant get XOOPS to work with the sql backup I made on the old database/server.
1. I've installed XOOPS (, not the version we were using before) and it works fine. But when I import the sql backup, it stops working. No error messages, it just wont display anything but a blank screen.
I've changed and customized lots of XOOPS files of my old installation (the one the database backup is from), could that be the reason? That the old db is in some way different because the old files looked different?
2. Problem #2: I've edited a good number of files in /modules, /class, /include, and dunno what else. Can I just copy paste all XOOPS folders from my customized XOOPS installation into my new and untouched Xoops? Which files or folders shouldnt I overwrite? The mainfile.php would be one Id guess?
Thanks for any help