Re: How to put a Flash file in Xoops
  • 2005/1/20 10:35

  • kiwiguy

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 295

  • Since: 2004/4/19

correct....There is a lot of sites that also can help you if your having trouble even with the basics.....Do a google search...

I had joined the forums. I had also post my question on there. But still no response. Jseymour, can u help me solve my problems. Thanks.

Your question had been answered and if you had searched the FAQ's also and other forums you would of got plenty of info on this question.

Re: How to put a Flash file in Xoops
  • 2005/1/21 1:55

  • kbkhoo5053

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 19

  • Since: 2005/1/13


May I ask sth regarding "How to put a Flash file in Xoops". In the module, there are a lot of sub section within it. How to use the features inside the module. All the features need to install first before use?

Moreover, there are a lot of features inside the system admin such as banners, smilies, preferences and others?
Does all the features provided is related to my question tht i post at here? Izit only module features tht I need to use for putting my flash file?

Re: How to put a Flash file in Xoops

All the other features are extra. To play your flash movie all you are interested in is getting the html code in the document section so it can load the movie to play in the browser.

So just paste your html code in the main article section and save.

Re: How to put a Flash file in Xoops
  • 2005/1/21 2:28

  • kbkhoo5053

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 19

  • Since: 2005/1/13

"All the other features are extra. To play your flash movie all you are interested in is getting the html code in the document section so it can load the movie to play in the browser.

So just paste your html code in the main article section and save. "

Where should I paste the html code at? izit at the module features? Where can I find the main article section? I need to write a report on how to use it to my boss. Thus, need ur help. Anyway, thanks.

Below are the guidelines on "how to put a Flash File in Xoops":


1. Upload Flash File(.swf)

2. Open Module features

3. Create a new folder and name it

4. Copy the html code of flash file(.swf)

5. Paste it in the particular folder that you create and

6. Publish it

7. Test it.

R this guidelines correct?

Re: How to put a Flash file in Xoops

Not quite.

1. create a flash movie and export as swf and html (this gives you two files, a swf (flash) file and a html file.)

2. create a folder to keep your swf files. Upload the swf with ftp to that folder. Make note to the folder path on your server.

3. Edit the html file. The code looks like this:


27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" WIDTH="800" HEIGHT="620" CODEBASE="http://active.macromedia.com/flash5/cabs/swflash.cab#version=5,0,0,0">

Under Value= and SRC= enter the full path to the swf file.

4. Open your article module and in the main editor body past the html code. Save your document and you should be able to view the flash movie in the browser now.


Re: How to put a Flash file in Xoops

when you export the flash movie that you made, specify fhash and html. The flash file goes, just like an image, to a folder on your server. The code of the html file gets entered into the article modules editor body.

The code of the html calls the flash file, as long as the path is correct, and the flash movie plays in the browser.


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