@ Wheeler
I am really glad that you are making a module specifically for this function. But I am not into reinventing the wheel for each new task. I like to take what is available and try make it fit my needs. I have experimented with the obs_classroom module and yes it does have great potential. It is unique in its abilities to create blocks. The wiwimod module does not have this feature. It is far from being perfect for this task. But it is much closer to reality than from where you are starting. This may seem cryptic but each and every module that is used is the same. They make database inquires and display them. If AMS or smartPartner had a wysiwyg editor as good as wiwimod I would probably use one of them instead. Wiwimod has a very good image manager integrated into the htmlarea editor. All of the wysiwyg editors are selectable except fckeditor. In my opinion it is the closest existing module to fit the bill.
Wiwimod could use improvements in being more search engine friendly, additional hooks and blocks but it is much better than average for giving a novice user the ability to create their own web page. It does not follow all of the conventions of a true wiki and tries to be a neat tool to create web pages on the fly.
I believe you would be more productive applying you obvious talents into improving the wiwimod module.
Lets all work together! Let Peace and Harmony Prevail.