2005/1/14 2:34
Just popping in
Posts: 9
Since: 2004/11/27
2005/1/14 9:23
Posts: 77
Since: 2004/2/2 2
I wrote about my problems to "thecat" owner of this module but no answer.. Anyway..
2. How can admin check all suspend ads?
if ($action == 'suspend') { ads_menu(4); $title = _AM_CATADS_PUB; $criteria = new CriteriaCompo(new Criteria('published', '0', '>')); $criteria->add(new Criteria('suspend', '1')); $criteria->setSort('published'); }
echo "list-style: none; margin: 0; display: inline; ">index.php?action=suspend" style="padding: 3px 0.5em; margin-left: 3px; border: 1px solid #778; background: ".$tblColors[4]."; text-decoration: none; ">"._AM_CATADS_SUSP."";
1. How can registered user modify and delete own ads?
2005/1/14 18:29
2005/1/17 22:34
2005/1/19 22:02
2005/1/23 10:23
2005/1/27 22:34
2005/3/8 17:20
2005/3/13 3:24
Posts: 20
Since: 2005/2/9 1
hatirapolat wrote:How can registered user modify and delete own ads?
2005/4/4 3:05
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