Well, 2.0.1 is starting to get old... You really should consider upgrading Xoops, however painful that may be, if only for security reasons. Template changes will survive the upgrade, and language file changes can easily be backed up before the upgrade, then restored.
Have you tried
XMail? I doubt it's compatible with 2.0.1, but you never know...
If that doesn't work either, you can try the following, but that's tested with (latest version) and may not even work under 2.0.1...
(Keep a log of this change in your XOOPS log file, it will serve you as a check list for future upgrades).
Before anything, BACK UP the following files, under
mailusers.php -> mailusers.php.old
mailform.php -> mailform.php.old
To send in HTML format, in file
\modules\system\admin\mailusers\mailusers.php, replace (around line 185):
if (!empty($_POST['mail_format_html'])) {
$body = $myts->oopsStripSlashesGPC($_POST['mail_body']);
$body = $myts->nl2br($body);
To have a checkbox appear in the form to let you choose between formats, in file
\modules\system\admin\mailusers\mailform.php (around line 82), replace:
$body_text = new XoopsFormTextArea($body_caption, "mail_body", "", 10);
$body_text = new XoopsFormTextArea('', "mail_body", "", 10);
$html_cbox = new XoopsFormCheckBox('', "mail_format_html");
$html_cbox->addOption(1, _AM_MAILHTML);
$body_tray = new XoopsFormElementTray($body_caption, "
And at the bottom of the same file, replace:
Now add the language tag in the language file (if you only use one language in your site, you can simply replace _AM_MAILHTML in the code above with 'Send as html'), in files
/modules/system/language/ * /admin/mailusers.php:
define(_AM_MAILHTML,'Send as HTML');
If this breaks Xoops, you can always revert:
mailusers.php.old -> mailusers.php
mailform.php.old -> mailform.php
Good luck,