Re: XOOPS PM(Private Message)-Hack
  • 2004/12/27 19:54

  • wanikoo

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 129

  • Since: 2003/12/27


irmtfan wrote:
other features:
1- ability to search in whole pms( in all box).now the search function just search in one box.
2- add perfix for group pm (allowed by admin). somthing like this: [send to all members of XXX group]
3- users can create category inside savebox and save pms in individual branchs.
4- ability to epmtied one box with one click and a yes/no box.
5- add draft box ( not importannt IMO but just a thought)

At first thought,
1,2 => maybe easy
3 => quite a tough/hard
4,5 => need more detailed explanation.
Anyway....I will think over your idea^^


chapi said
I think it would be great if you could start a project for this PM Hack at http://dev.xoops.org. There you will have many features to control your project. Usefull stuff like bug tracker, feature tracker, forums, etc.
I think this would be usefull for the organisation around this hack.

Yeah^^ You can say that again^^
I will look over dev.xoops.org ^^

Re: XOOPS PM(Private Message)-Hack
  • 2004/12/27 20:22

  • irmtfan

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 3419

  • Since: 2003/12/7

@ chapi:
this is core hack and dev site is for module development so i dont know how this hack can be migrate in the project at d.o.x site.
@ wanikoo:
#4 is just delete all pms with one click instead of check page by page and delete them
#5 is a temporary section for save pms in database that user dont want send it in the moment ( not important and i think its not useful at all for users)

Re: XOOPS PM(Private Message)-Hack

The aim of dev.xoops.org is to benefit development of XOOPS modules - however, a hack like this that more or less screams to be included in the core could very well fit that description. At least for XOOPS 2.1/2.2 where the aim is to have all functionality in separate modules.

What dev.xoops.org is not for is actual forks, i.e. hacks that move away from the vision of XOOPS as we picture it (or rather - since I am Supreme God of Dev.xoops.org - as I see it)

To me, this hack is well on the way to becoming an independent module for managing PM's - it just needs a bit more work and some more support by the core in order to become that.

Re: XOOPS PM(Private Message)-Hack
  • 2004/12/29 8:13

  • wedding

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 30

  • Since: 2004/7/6 8

any PM alert with sound?? Hearing that a voice with " you've a message!" rather than reading the words.

tq! any hack?

Re: XOOPS PM(Private Message)-Hack
  • 2004/12/30 19:57

  • wanikoo

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 129

  • Since: 2003/12/27

Upgraded to Ver3.8
^^I wish you a happy new year!!

>>configpmsg.php redesigned into three section.
1,Edit PM Config -> You can set your own PM Config to customize interface and environment of your PM system.
2,Show Status -> You can easily figure out the status of PM-boxes with statistical data.(I will improve this section more and more.)
3,Edit PM Policy(Admin Only) -> Only Admin can set PM-Policy of system.(rbox_max_limit, pbox_max_limit,GroupPM Policy etc)
>>Now You can access/use rbox and pbox to manage your PMs.(viewpmsg.php,readpmsg.php)
rbox= inbox+readbox+rsavebox =>With rbox, you can manage all PMs( received from your partner) in one box.
pbox= outbox+sentbox+psavebox => With pbox, you can manage all PMs (sent to your partner by you) in one box.
>>You can empty any box with one click(+confirm window).(Empty Box function[in Show Status of configpmsg.php])
>>Not only all at once and individually...but also By Group, you(Admin) can designate PM-Policy to users.(configpmsg.php)

How to upgrade 3.7->3.8
0, No change on PM DB^^No touch^^
1, Open this file(/html/language/{yourlanguage}/pmsg.txt[or pmsg_upgrade3x-38.txt])
2, Add the upgraded contents( under//WANISYS.NET PM HACK3.8) of pmsg.txt to pmsg.php.
3, Overwrite All files into proper directories!!
4, That'a all! Enjoy this new PM system3.8!!

How to install[new install]

1, Open this file(/html/wanipmhack.sql) and execute the sql query on the file^^
( Use phpmyadmin...if you are DB-novice!!Please, watch out table prefix[xoops_])
2, Overwrite All files into proper directories!!
(You must back-up original files...before this hack!!!!)
3, Open this file(/html/language/{yourlanguage}/pmsg.txt[and pmsg_upgrade3x-38.txt if it exists])
Add the contents of pmsg.txt to pmsg.php.
4, Open this file(/html/footer.txt)
Add the wanipmhack section(I mean ////////////////WANIPMHACK3.0) of footer.txt to footer.php.
5, That's all!! Enjoy this new PM system!!

How to uninstall

1, Replace all changed files with your original files.
2, Delete all new files.
(html/ configpmsg.php,printpmsg.php,backuppmsg.php,pmgrouplite.php,usersearch.php)
(html/kernel/ privmessageconfig.php)
(html/images/ inbox.gif,readbox.gif,rsavebox.gif,rtrashbox.gif,outbox.gif,sentbox.gif,psavebox.gif,ptrashbox.gif)
(html/images/icons/ backuppm.gif,forwardpm.gif,gforwardpm.gif,printpm.gif)
3, Open this file(/html/wanipmhack_uninstall.sql) and execute the sql query on the file^^
( Use phpmyadmin...if you are DB-novice!!Please, watch out table prefix[xoops_])
4, That's all!! Very simple^^;;



-Stable Version => Ver2.85(default)
-Test Version => Ver3.8(+pmconfig+GroupPM)
-DB-toolkit for DB-novice


From wani[wani@wanisys.net]

the most educational site, wanisys.net [ http://www.wanisys.net ]

Re: XOOPS PM(Private Message)-Hack
  • 2005/1/4 8:21

  • irmtfan

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 3419

  • Since: 2003/12/7

persian language for 3.8 is ready
wanikoo thanks again.as mith said in a post could you change this hack to a module like "xoopspm" ?
it would be great and core developers can migrate it easily to XOOPS core modules for 2.1/2.2

Re: XOOPS PM(Private Message)-Hack
  • 2005/1/4 8:32

  • carnuke

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1955

  • Since: 2003/11/5

Is there a demo of this with english characters? I tried to find the demo on wanikoo's site, but could not register or find a demo area. It seems wrong to register, just to see this hack.

Thanks, Richard

Re: XOOPS PM(Private Message)-Hack
  • 2005/1/4 14:12

  • wanikoo

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 129

  • Since: 2003/12/27

Upgraded to Ver3.9^^
(~~Happy new year!!)

>>A small bug&mistype fixed(privmessageconfig.php, readpmsg.php, pmgrouplite.php)
>>PM type function added!!
(You can set your PM-type when you send your PM and your partner can visually confirm what type it is with its msg_image(gif icon).
#PM types#(If you have any idea or suggestion about this, please inform me^^)
Normal PM - urgent(pm_normal_u.gif), normal(pm_normal.gif), encrypted(pm_normal_e.gif)
RE(Reply) PM - urgent(pm_re_u.gif), normal(pm_re.gif), encrypted(pm_re_e.gif)
FW(Forward) PM - urgent(pm_fw_u.gif), normal(pm_fw.gif), encrypted(pm_fw_e.gif)
GPM(Group PM) -urgent(pm_gpm_u.gif), normal(pm_gpm.gif)
GFW(Group Forward PM) -urgent(pm_gfw_u.gif), normal(pm_gfw.gif)
>>Simple PKI(Public Key Infrastructure) prepared for Encrypted PM and Message-signature.(Still beta..version)
^^Yeah...very simple but generous PKI^^
[Notice: All calculation for en/de-cryption is up to you. Server will manage/provide only Key-Info for you.]
You can register your Public Key with some Info(key_type,key generation algorithm,hash algorithm,description(how to use) etc).
Your PM partner can search/look up your Public Key Info to send you a secret PM encrypted with your public key.
You can append msg_signature encrypted with your private key....to assure it's sent from YOU.(You can use hash^^)
Your PM partner can confirm it's sent from YOU by compare the value(decrypted from msg_signature with your public key) with hash(calculated from your message).
I know it's complicated...and moreover..these processes and calculation for de/en-cryption are all up to you.
Therefore...if you are not good at PKI and feel no necessity of secret PM, Please just ignore this function.

How to upgrade 3.8->3.9
1, Open this file(/html/wanipmhack38-39.sql) and execute the sql query on the file^^
( Use phpmyadmin...if you are DB-novice!!Please, watch out table prefix[xoops_])
2, Open this file(/html/language/{yourlanguage}/pmsg.txt[or pmsg_upgrade3x-39.txt])
Add the upgraded contents( under//WANISYS.NET PM HACK3.9) of pmsg.txt to pmsg.php.
3, Overwrite All files into proper directories!!
4, That'a all! Enjoy this new PM system3.9!!

How to install[new install]

1, Open this file(/html/wanipmhack.sql) and execute the sql query on the file^^
( Use phpmyadmin...if you are DB-novice!!Please, watch out table prefix[xoops_])
2, Overwrite All files into proper directories!!
(You must back-up original files...before this hack!!!!)
3, Open this file(/html/language/{yourlanguage}/pmsg.txt[and pmsg_upgrade3x-39.txt if it exists])
Add the contents of pmsg.txt to pmsg.php.
4, Open this file(/html/footer.txt)
Add the wanipmhack section(I mean ////////////////WANIPMHACK3.0) of footer.txt to footer.php.
5, That's all!! Enjoy this new PM system!!

How to uninstall

1, Replace all changed files with your original files.
2, Delete all new files.
(html/ configpmsg.php, printpmsg.php, backuppmsg.php, pmgrouplite.php, usersearch.php, userkeysearch.php)
(html/kernel/ privmessageconfig.php, pmuserkey.php)
(html/images/ inbox.gif,readbox.gif,rsavebox.gif,rtrashbox.gif,outbox.gif,sentbox.gif,psavebox.gif,ptrashbox.gif)
(html/images/icons/ backuppm.gif, forwardpm.gif, gforwardpm.gif, printpm.gif, pmuserkey.gif, pmcheck.gif)
(html/images/subject/pm_normal_u.gif, pm_normal.gif, pm_normal_e.gif, pm_re_u.gif, pm_re.gif, pm_re_e.gif, pm_fw_u.gif, pm_fw.gif, pm_fw_e.gif, pm_gpm_u.gif, pm_gpm.gif, pm_gfw_u.gif, pm_gfw.gif)
3, Open this file(/html/wanipmhack_uninstall.sql) and execute the sql query on the file^^
( Use phpmyadmin...if you are DB-novice!!Please, watch out table prefix[xoops_])
4, That's all!! Very simple^^;;



-Stable Version => Ver2.85(default)
-Test Version => Ver3.9(+pmconfig+GroupPM)
-DB-toolkit for DB-novice(only for New-install)


From wani[wani@wanisys.net]

the most educational site, wanisys.net [ http://www.wanisys.net ]

Re: XOOPS PM(Private Message)-Hack
  • 2005/1/4 19:52

  • wanikoo

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 129

  • Since: 2003/12/27


irmtfan wrote:
could you change this hack to a module like "xoopspm" ?

I will..someday...but still..not in this stage.
As I had mentioned before,
in this stage(Ver3x)..I will devote myself to improving the functionality of this PM-hack.
as you know.....the current version is Ver3.9....
Not too far~~~
(I plan to add whitelist function(pm-buddy system) and sophisticate all functions before Ver4.x)
In the next stage(I mean Ver4.x),
I am supposedly(^^) scheduled to do something related with templates and design.
so...if I have any mind/intention to change this hack into something like a module, I will in that stage.
(but..still...that stage(ver4.x)..is just optional for me...because I have some tendency not to do the same thing again.)


carnuke wrote:
Is there a demo of this with english characters?
I tried to find the demo on wanikoo's site, but could not register or find a demo area.
It seems wrong to register, just to see this hack.

If you are interested in this PM hack, why don't you test this PM-hack on your test server for yourself.
I think it will take less time than to search a demo-site.

Re: XOOPS PM(Private Message)-Hack
  • 2005/1/5 10:35

  • den1662

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 12

  • Since: 2003/8/19

This what i have tried 'Module PM' but getting errors:
'Errors None' by getHtmlErrors. Where did i go wrong?


$xoopsOption['show_rblock'] = 1;

$myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();

$pm_handler =& xoops_gethandler('privmessage');
$pm =& $pm_handler->create();
$pm->setVar("subject", "Hello World");
$pm->setVar("msg_text", "Apo kono eh jang!");
$pm->setVar("to_userid", 1);
$pm->setVar("from_userid", 1);
if (!$pm_handler->insert($pm)) {
echo $pm->getHtmlErrors();



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