A stupid question I know, but...
I have just upgraded from 2.0.7 (I think but it may have been 2.0.73) to, and I've also installed Protector for additional security. But in my system admin is says 'Powered by XOOPS 2.0.9' and before it said 'Powered by XOOPS 2.0.7'. Are the 4th digits always left off because I think I used to have but it said 2.0.7 and missed off the 3. If so, is there any way of telling the exact version you are using apart from writing it down somewhere?
Also, when 2.0.9 was released there was a warning about not updating NewBB2 files. But then came out it did not mention that. So I copied the files that were in the modules\newbb folder to my NewBB folder and my forums stopped working, so I had to overwrite it with my backup. It now works and everything is OK but are we still to hang on for the NewBB updates?
Lastly, I keep trying to edit and save my custom blocks as suggested in the news bulletin. A couple have successfully updated after 2 or 3 attempts, but others refuse to change - it keeps saying 'Unable to update blockID=X'. Is there a way round this? Will it cause me problems for new custom blocks that I may create?