i am replying since i cant edit my first post.. normal?
got the wiwimod 0.6 wiki working with Koivi!
this is a dirty hack.. Xavier.. maybe you can clean it up.
noticed it sometimes doesent recognize camelcase if its on a seperate line with a space infront of the camelcase?(wierd)
other than that it seems pretty solid!
1.install the new Koivi class from the module dev forge.. follow all the steps.. replace the image_manager template and update the system module
2. select HTMLarea as your editor in the wiwi prefrences
3. edit your index.php in the wiwimod folder like this:
a. comment the whole check browser function lines 4-24(dont need it since wiwi is cross browser!!!)
b. around line 132 comment
$t_area = new XoopsFormDhtmlTextArea('Content', 'body', $body, 37, 80);
and add this code
include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/class/xoopsformloader.php";
include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/class/wysiwyg/formwysiwygtextarea.php";
$t_area = new XoopsFormWysiwygTextArea('Content', 'body', $body, '100%', '400px','');
it works!
if someone can tell me how to do this cleaner that would be great...
i think its super important to have a cross browser wysiwyg wiki!
check mine out at
realenergy.net's wikii now have koivi working for wf-channel, wf-sections, news 1.2 and wiwimod! its the best!
thanks guys!
ps.. why isnt an option on this forum?
pps.. why am i still getting the wierd failure to reload pages after submiting pages with koivi.. not a showstopper.. but would be nice to fix.. tried the hacks in the docs.. not cutting it...