How can I know what is named the database that I am using now ... I know that phpbb and dev are not ...
For the site you are using now, did you change the DB prefix during installation? If not, then you can dump everything that doesn't have the xoops_ prefix (assuming you're only wanting to keep your XOOPS install). Since I don't know what your convention is for naming your db prefixes, I can't really say which you should keep. As a rule, I keep a flat text file on my computer that details such things to help me keep track of all my installs.
Important: Before you go dumping tables, do yourself a favor and backup your DB. Just in case you accidentally delete a needed table
As far as how to dump the tables you don't want, that's easy....
Go to phpMyAdmin
Select the DB name in the left frame (assuming all tables are in the same DB)
Select the checkbox next to every table you wish to delete
Scroll to the bottom of the page and in the checkbox that says "With selected:", select "Drop"
phpMyAdmin will refresh to a confirmation page, just click yes
You're done