what I meant by the "problem" of organising links in the left hand menu is that the standard menu of XOOPS is set up to display one link for each module. This effectively divides your site up more or less "functionaly" - member area, forums, faq, content module 1, content module 2, wiki, news, and so on.
The problem that this brings is that the content contained in each "content module" (let it be wfSections, Articles, or whatever) is strictly seperated from the content in another content module. And that the site hierarchy is a bit steep at this level if youre wanting to present a lot of content.
Should you want however, lets say two entry points to your content in your main menu, and still have the possibility to present an overall content index as is possible with a module such as wfSections, then you fall flat on your face with the standard XOOPS menu.
This is the reason I sugested you look at one of the menu modules - you can either use it to provide a number of direct entry points to your content in addition to the standard XOOPS menu or to completely replace the standard menu.
And then there is the second approach - to use the "smaller" modules on parallel to each other for smaller, independent groups of content. Suitable modules here are TinyD which you can use up to 9 times and wfChannels.
I hope this helps.
I remember I found it frustrating having to "bend" the structure of my old html site to fit the "Xoops Way" but now I'm not sure if I'd consider making a non-Xoops site again.
Good luck,
p.s. Dont forget that you can rename each module, so that wfSections can become "Last Minute" and the Tutorials Module "Early Bookers".