I think I'm missing something very basic because I'm running into the same problem in multiple places. Here's an example:
I wanted to make a change to the news block template news_block_new.html.
I tried doing it in Blocks admin. I clicked on Edit Template, made my change, clicked View, looks good. Problem is, it didn't save it and there doesn't seem to be a save button in that dialog.
OK, I sez to myself. No problem. I make a local copy of news_block_new.html, make my mods, and FTP it back.
Not only aren't the changes reflected in the block, but when I go back to Blocks admin and click Edit Template, my changes aren't there either. However, if I pull back news_block_new.html from /modules/news/templates/blocks, my changes *ARE* there.
Thinking this might be caching, I cleared out templates_c. No joy.
What am I missing?
Any help much appreciated!!