With regard to the download issue, I'm afraid I can't help because I don't have experience of Apache. The fact that you are using XP has stumbled me a little. I suggest you post your question on the forum at
http://www.wf-projects.com as they are the developers of the module and quite likely to be able to help you.
I suggest you go into your General Settings and turn the Debugging feature on and then post your problems. I doubt I will be able to help very well, but someone here will know what all the stuff means. I expect in your case though it is to do with your Apache server not allowing certain MIME types or an upload folder is invalid or not write-enabled.
Your problem in Question 2 may be due to a problem XOOPS has with any uppercase letters in the mainfile.php. For example, if you have a path like "D:\Server\UploadFolder" set in mainfile.php it may well cause the rpoblem. I had the same thing with the forums. To correct it I was told to change all the upper case to lower case, and that worked (so for example d:\server\uploadfolder). It could be worth checking out at least.
Sorry I can't be more help.