I know a lot would need to be custom coded, but I would like to get a feel for how well XOOPS matches the following requirements before spending months in development.
My vision/hope:
10,000 users belonging to one community. The main community web site would be centrally run and have official news, galleries, calendar, and pages. It would also have forums that the entire community would participate in.
Each member of the community would have their own individual web site. Each individual web site would have it's own U.I./customized theme and be administered by that user through a web based administration system.
The individual site would have it's own news, galleries, calendar, pages, membership areas and forums (that members of the overall community could join using their existing community accounts).
The individual sites would need to be locked down to restrict the modules/functionality members could access.
Users would access their individual sites using a specific path, a subdomain, or their own domain name.
Information such as news, events, and important forum posts should be able to be propogated from the main community web site to the individual web sites based on selectable criteria. The same sort of information should be able to bubble up to the community web site from individual web sites through some sort of approval process (maybe human administrators or automatically via points/karma).
Ability to spread the load across physical and possibly virtual servers would be required to allow the community to grow. How would this need affect the XOOPS installation?
Beyond the general community site and the individual sites, there also exists the need to have team web sites. Team web sites would have the same features that are found in individual sites, but be focused on the needs of the team members. Team members would use their existing community user accounts (seamless login across the entire community and levels of web sites).
Has anyone attempted anything like this before? For those very familiar with the XOOPS architecture, does XOOPS seem like a good match with these requirements? Any other suggestions?
-)----- B