Re:3500 smiles
  • 2004/10/16 10:37

  • wizanda

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1585

  • Since: 2004/3/21

You have to go to your servers MySQL admin so you can import it straight into the table
Go to the smiles_xoops on the menu
Then click Query
Then insert
then select the file from off your computer then click select
this should import the database into the MySQL database for your site
If you need to add more smiles copy the code and import it the same

Re:3500 smiles
  • 2004/10/16 14:35

  • Jackwan

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 129

  • Since: 2004/9/8 2


catalin12345 wrote:
i`ve downloded the 150 smiles
i finded that file in table zip..
and more exactly what i have to do...step by step ??
where to put table.sql ?and how to put it?

To add those 150 smilies into your database of smilies, first load those 150 gifs into the "upload" subdirectory on the HOST, then you goto your hosting service and run myphpadmin (cpanel or otherwise), in the myphpadmin choose the database you want to update, click on sql and enter the local file location\table.sql, press go... presto, you got your 150 smiles in your xoops.

Becareful, when you run that tables.sql, it overwrites all the previously setups.

You can expand that table.sql to 3500 if you want to.

Re:3500 smiles

pls tell me more exactly..from phpmyadmin how to do it
i delete the XOOPS smiles ..
and insert the table.zip into the basedate with the name xoops_smiles????or how more exactly..

Re:3500 smiles
  • 2004/10/24 21:48

  • Jackwan

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 129

  • Since: 2004/9/8 2


catalin12345 wrote:
pls tell me more exactly..from phpmyadmin how to do it
i delete the XOOPS smiles ..
and insert the table.zip into the basedate with the name xoops_smiles????or how more exactly..

1. upload all the *.gif files to the \upload directory
2. run myphpadmin
3. choose database on the left column
4. click on "sql" icon (top middle), it will show two boxes.
5. in the lowerbox it says Location of the textfile:
click choose box
6. choose "tables.sql" on your disk, hit ok
7. click go


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