Re: Could Xoops be this...?
  • 2004/10/6 13:43

  • intel352

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 824

  • Since: 2003/11/23

using my own implementation of a multi-site hack, i've been able to achieve a multi-site install from a single core installation

my shared hosting environment stores each website in a folder, each site/domain folder stored 'beside' the others



i installed my modified XOOPS into domain1.com, configured it and whatnot, then created symlinks into domain2.com, symlinking *ALL* files except mainfile.php, cache, templates_c, and then i modified includes/cp_header.php, modules/system/admin.php, so that the admin side functions properly (otherwise, the wrong files would often get 'included')

there's a prefix used for the shared tables (i.e.- xoops_all), and then each site has it's own individual prefix (i.e.- xoops_, xoops1_, xoops2_)

this required no modification to apache configuration files, allows me to run sites that function separately of each other, share the tables that i want to share, and upgrade the XOOPS core or XOOPS modules for all sites simultaneously (the physical file part of the upgrade)

Re: Could Xoops be this...?
  • 2004/10/8 19:03

  • dheltzel

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 164

  • Since: 2003/1/8 1


jmass wrote:
I see where you are going dheltzel. The idea seems pretty simple. My question is why?

What does the Multisite bring that running multiple sites in different virtual sites dosen't?


1) Saving Disk space
2) reduce redundancy
3) just because I can

Actually, the last reason is probably the major one. I hack stuff to understand it better. I understand much more about the disk structures and DB layout for having done this. Anyone who follows my instructions gains alot of that insight as well.

I want to be able to deploy a new XOOPS site easily. I can now "clone" one of my existing sites in about 10 minutes. Was it all worth the learning curve? I don't know, but it was a lot of fun.


Re: Could Xoops be this...?
  • 2004/10/8 19:42

  • intel352

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 824

  • Since: 2003/11/23

my end product is similar to dheltzel's (altho implementation differs), but we seem to have the same reasons

a plus is that it's *MUCH* easier to upgrade all the sites, due to the single file location, as opposed to managing 10 different sites and upgrading them all or distributing a modification among all 10 sites, which would be a hindrance since i change files very often on my sites.

Re: Could Xoops be this...?

This is a hot topic for me right now. Do ya'll think we should have a forge project for this with the various techniques side by side instead of unique projects? Each could inspire the other and the users will feedback ideas faster.

My needs are for "nodes" of my main site. i.e Toronto/Ottawa. The sites could use the same file base and share the userbase, forums, & calendar. But each one should have it's own theme, graphics, default language, and possibly different mix of active modules. Other arrangements are possible as my network grows.

Or at least a central repository of *current* hacks, files, or techniques for multi site? I need to start testing and decide which way is best for me and future maintenance.

Re: Could Xoops be this...?
  • 2004/10/8 21:41

  • intel352

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 824

  • Since: 2003/11/23

well, once i can get my small network of sites live (waiting on graphics from a few guys, and porting a module too), i'll be opening xoopslance.com, which will support open and closed source initiatives where projects can be listed, users can donate money towards projects and then request features, etc...

but that's a few weeks away, so in the meantime, if someone else is able to toss up a site, that'd be great


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