Ok Guys, info very helpful - well i was up for a while last night and hacked into the Sections module of xoops, (roughly translating italian

- I'll keep my day job i think) - and I now have a new Product Catalog module running - nice cos I can put products into categories and looks nice and neat.
I have by doing it this way 'lost' the sections module as it has now become 'Products' but still using the xoops_sections and xoops_seccont tables which I tried to work around as per your advice - I am going to work some more to create the 'Products' module seperate from the 'sections' module but I had a few problems and you could probably tell me whats wrong -this is what I did initially which didnt work but I would like it to:
$$modversion['name ' ] = _ MI_PRODUCTS_NAME;
$$modversion['version ' ] = 1.00;
$$modversion['description ' ] = _ MI_PRODUCTS_DESC;
$modversion['dirname'] = "products";
rows: modinfo.php
// The name of this module
define("_MI_2SECTIONS_NAME", "products");
// To brief description of this module
define("_MI_2SECTIONS_DESC", "To add Products to the Product Catalogue.");
So far so good....
In xoops_version.php:
// Tables created by sql file (without prefix!)
$modversion['tables'][0] = "product";
$modversion['tables'][1] = "products";
This seems to fall over for me cos it wont create the new tables for some reason - I could have manually created them in phpmyAdmin but wasnt sure what the field values where...
Also changed in admin_header.php:
$xoopsModule = XoopsModule::getByDirname("products");
Do I not also need to edit admin\index.php because it has references in lines to:
function sections() { ////does this need to change?
$result = $xoopsDB->query("select secid, secname, image from ".$xoopsDB->prefix("sections")." order by secname") /////what does this change to?
Will also need to change line to include new module location name:
sections/index.php?op=viewarticle&artid=$artid\">".XOOPS_URL."/modules/sections/index.php?op=viewarticle&artid=$artid Variables in \language\english\main.php and modinfo.php are easily changed.
It installed ok and worked to point where tried to add product but it didnt list it - the tables didnt create for xoops_product and xoops_products which is i suppose the problem - so I have what I want now but I want the above to work properly so the Products module is seperate from the sections module so if u have any ideas would appreciate it.
Sorry for the poor descriptions here....I am exhausted and know bugger all about PHP as you can tell i guess